
Would you believe nine months went by before we could finally put two vehicles into the garage?  <g>  Yep, we had to organize things, and this was helped tremendously by having a garage sale.  The women did well, and I carted everything away afterwards that was no sold!  Not THAT is what I call a success!

Here are some pictures of the exterior after we moved in:

Finally, we've got at least two of our vehicles INSIDE the garage. Still have plenty of boxes to go through. These are my stereo system components, which still have to be installed!

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garage-left.jpg (208619 bytes) garage-right.jpg (210051 bytes)
garage-back.jpg (172141 bytes)

But the interior still needs a little more work, as you can see:

Garage hallway: Utility room shelves: Utility room shelves:
utility-hall.jpg (234452 bytes) utility-left.jpg (236588 bytes) utility-right.jpg (261890 bytes)

Must have a washer and dryer (and cat box location):

utility-bottom.jpg (255300 bytes)

At least we never run out of anything!

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A couple of shots of the kitchen:

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And the dining area:

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Nice, comfortable, living room.  And pictures of the family.

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My computer room, with the essentials like a telephone, modem backup, UPS, printer, and a TV and VCR!

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The second bathroom:

bath2-door.jpg (230877 bytes) bath2-sink.jpg (223229 bytes) bath2-toilet.jpg (332406 bytes)

The second bedroom, which is now the doll room:

dollroom-shelves.jpg (357274 bytes) dollroom-closet.jpg (241803 bytes)

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dollroom-chesser.jpg (276479 bytes)

A few shots of the master bedroom, none of that bath or closets yet though:

masterbed-dresser.jpg (339084 bytes)

masterbed-door.jpg (242553 bytes)

masterbed-bed.jpg (200741 bytes)